
In Strategy, our mission is to deliver best-in-class market & opportunity analysis, deal execution, music industry relations, and international operations to develop major new growth vectors for Pandora. Whether we are leading the strategic planning process for the company, finding new ways to partner with the music industry, identifying international markets for potential expansion, or developing partnership & acquisition opportunities, we work cross-functionally with teams from Product, Engineering, Marketing, Legal, Finance, Sales, and HR to get the job done.

Strategy comprises four teams: Corporate Strategy, the Music Industry Group, International Development, and Corporate Development. Corporate Strategy focuses on developing the long-term strategy for Pandora by developing insights about our market landscapes and whitespace opportunities. The Music Industry Group is responsible for developing and maintaining our music industry relationships as well as implementing and overseeing ongoing programs with artists and labels. Our International Development team not only manages our current international markets, but also identifies the market entry strategies for potential new markets. In Corporate Development, the team is responsible for first-class deal sourcing and execution as well as post-close acquisition integration and management.

Ain't no such thing as a mission impossible.

Listen to the Strategy Team jingle for an auditory immersion.